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Halloween Safety and Scary Candy Facts

Some Halloween Safety Tips and Scary Candy Facts! I just eat those tiny fun size candy bars!  No problem…right?  I was wandering around the web and found some scary candy facts that I thought I’d share for Halloween!  First though, here…

Protect Your Home From Burglars!

5 Easy Ways to Protect Your Home From Burglars! Any time is a great time for a vacation! If you are taking a trip, I’m pretty sure that you will remember to take all your children with you. That’s good…

5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By


I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property…

Will my credit rating change my insurance rates?

I was recently asked this question by one of our Farquhar and Black Insurance Agency clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates,…

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