Category Auto

Drive on Black Ice: Tips for everyone

Black ice can happen so quickly to the roads, by the time you realize it can be too late. But what is it exactly? Black ice, sometimes called clear ice, is a thin coating of glaze ice on a surface, especially…

Have a Teen Driver?

Teen Drivers Keeping You Up Nights? We know the sticker shock that occurs when you add a teen driver to your policy.  The cost to add a new driver to your insurance runs in the hundreds, if not thousands of…

Don’t be a distracted driver

Chances are you are running out the door coffee in hand, bagel in your mouth, and kids in tow.  You have to make it to two different school drop-offs by 8:10, grab the train by 8:25, your entire house overslept…

Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday travel comes around every year.  Some of us absolutely dread the thought of packing up the entire car, the kids, and even the dog to drive 4 hours in traffic to go to your in-laws for the weekend. But…

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